
Links: Sobriety about the war in Ukraine; union hotels; beautiful cathedrals

Shared blame for Russia's war on Ukraine is not realism — it's irrational

Historian's new book highlights Pius XII's moral failures

Soul-seeing sacramentals that stop us in our tracks

'Emo' reggaeton brings out longing and nostalgia in the musical genre

What has the demise of Roe v. Wade cost the Catholic Church?

First Outreach conference on LGBTQ Catholic ministry reminded 'all are welcome'

This July Fourth, let's celebrate our dependence on one another

Your thoughts on serving both God and guns

Links: Trump fatigue; artist Sam Gilliam dies; meet and greet two cardinals

Editorial: Here's hoping Francis, the pope of surprises, keeps surprising us

The abortion question may be decided politically. The real test is a moral one.

We humans need to open our minds to the personhood of nonhuman animals

How will the Supreme Court's decision on abortion affect the midterm elections?

Why nonsense stories about the pope resigning keep popping up

Francis, the comic strip

Links: A 'bitterly polarized' America; Cardinal Müller's interview; GOP's future

Pope gives master class in ministry at World Meeting of Families

Wise abortion public policy should deal with realities as well as moralities

'Outlove' tells how LGBTQ+ people do belong in the church
