
Bishops conclude assembly with guidelines to better implement Laudato Si' in East Africa

Q & A with Anna Robertson, on Catholic young adults and climate action

Eastern Africa bishops explore consequences of climate change on daily life

Puerto Rico's archbishop calls for island to adopt green energy, in line with Laudato Si'

Presbyterians to divest from 5 oil companies after years of debate

Vatican astronomer praises beauty and potential of Webb space photos

African youth deliver environmental demands to bishops at Laudato Si' meeting

Scottish faith leaders call on COP26 president to ensure climate pledges are kept

Humanity has 'moral obligation' to fight climate change, pope says

Catholics must stand against Supreme Court's anti-life climate ruling

Catholic groups oppose EU vote to designate gas and nuclear energy as 'green'

There's no ignoring the Supreme Court's motivations in ruling against the EPA

Vatican, offering 'moral support,' joins U.N. treaty on climate change

After Supreme Court climate ruling, Catholic leaders say legislation is 'critical'

Faith groups announce $1.25 billion to be divested from fossil fuels

Catholic groups outline priorities for defense of oceans, biodiversity ahead of UN summits

Oblivion and salvation in the ark of the honeybees

As long as fossil fuels flow, dictators like Putin possess power

Mine can be built on Apache sacred site, Oak Flat, federal appeals court rules

Catholic Theological Society of America resolves to divest from fossil fuels
