
Will we heed the cry of my great friend, Lake Erie?

At Home in Creation: Drought and flooding in Navajo Nation

More than 200 people were killed last year for defending their land, environment

These 5 economic policy changes would help us live in harmony with God's gift of life

At Home in Creation: Water as the gift of life

EarthBeat Weekly: What 'meaningful sacrifices' will we make so future generations enjoy a better world?

At Home in Creation: Learning to see land as relative, land as self

Faith groups press Congress to pass $3.5T bill as political, moral imperative for climate action

Three dead, others evacuated from Louisiana housing ministry after Ida

Oil companies' delaying tactics are the new climate science denialism

At Home in Creation: Protecting sacred waters, protesting Line 3 in northern Minnesota

Choose life by choosing to care for creation, Pope Francis and other Christian leaders say

Conserving and restoring wetlands could avoid millions of dollars in storm losses

At Home in Creation: The wholly/holy ordinary ground

Indigenous communities in Louisiana's Delta overwhelmed by damage from Ida

EarthBeat Weekly: Convergence of COVID-19 and climate change is unmistakable call to action

Laudato Si' inspires young adults to faith-based action on climate change

At Home in Creation: Gratitude as a grounding force amid climate disruption

Hurricane Ida badly damages home of Goldman Prize winner Sharon Lavigne, others in Louisiana's Cancer Alley

Follow youth toward environmental sustainability, Pope Francis says
